AHT Partners
Our independent COOLPOINT partners are close to you in order to provide extra quick service – with their own equipment, spare parts stores and technical help desk. This high quality standard ensures a first-class network from which you benefit as a customer. You have a contact person who knows your needs, advises you individually and uses original AHT spare parts in the event of malfunctions.

Worldwide freezer/refrigeration system service
COOLPOINTs are available in many countries. We would be happy to inform you where your COOLPOINT partner is located so that you can secure all the COOLPOINT benefits:
- After-sales service
- Equipment storage and renovation
- Delivery and distribution
- Appliance installation and disposal
- Services for all international AHT customers
Country Thailand | City Bangkok |
Contact: |
Country Australia | City Melbourne |
Contact: |
Country Australia | City Lynbrook |
www.avemquirks.com.au |
Country Philippines | City Manila |
Contact: |
Country Sweden | City Älta |
coolforssweden.se |
Country Poland | City Warschau |
Contact: |
Country India | City New Delhi |
www.daikinindia.com |
Country Poland | City Warsaw, Poznan, Gdansk, Katowice, Krakkow, Wroclaw |
Contact: |
Country Australia | City Sydney |
Contact: |
Country Czech Republic | City Praha |
Contact: |
Country Croatia | City Zagreb |
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Country Hungary | City Budapest |
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Country UAE | City Dubai |
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Country Romania | City Bucharest |
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Country Slovakia | City Bratislava |
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Country Japan | City Tokyo |
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Country Czech Republic | City Beřovice |
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Country Malaysia | City Kuala Lumpur |
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Country Czech Republic | City Polešovice |
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Country Hong Kong | City Hongkong |
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Country Egypt | City Cairo |
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Country Taiwan | City Taipei |
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Country Israel | City Tel Aviv |
Contact: |
Country Argentina | City Moreno |
www.kldargentina.com |
Country Portugal | City Sintra |
www.logisticapremium.com |
Country Republic of Korea | City Seoul |
Contact: |
Country South Africa | City Somerset West |
Contact: |
Country Sweden | City Köping |
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Country Venezuela | City San Antonio de Los Altos |
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Country Norway | City Notteroy |
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Country Indonesia | City Jakarta |
Contact: |
Country Chile | City Las Condes, Santiago |
www.sustentachile.com |
Country Malaysia | City Kuala Lumpur |
Contact: |
Country Singapore | City Singapur |
Contact: |
Country Lebanon | City Bchamoun |
Contact: |